Baltimore Premiere of The Bill Collector at the Helping Up Mission

Moonlit Picture's The Bill Collector premiered last night in Baltimore to thunderous applause. The venue - the Helping Up Mission in Baltimore city. It was a great joy for producer Doug Maddox to be invited by the men of the Helping Up Mission to share this special night with them. Over 200 men from the HUM program, as well as overnight guests from the streets of Baltimore came to watch. Producer Maddox shared, before and after the screening, how the group came together to make the movie in Virginia, and how it was "given wings". The film stars Danny Trejo, who plays Frankie, one of the bill collectors in the story. The men in the audience identified with the film's theme of home and redemption, and how, even those that seem "down for the count" can change their stripes and make a huge difference for good in their communities and families. In many ways the film's theme parallels the mission of the HUM program. The premiere was a rousing success. The Helping Up Mission plans to sponsor another screening of The Bill Collector for a wider community audience this Fall.